This is a great Joomla template that is suitable for a bitcoin website. 呈现了各种页面布局的集合. The design is complemented by the ability to edit the colors of design...
Sales: 8
Support: 4.1/5
Dana -企业业务Joomla 5模板
Business & 公司式投资组合, fashion store, one page, photographer, media agency, web studios, designers, freelancers, marketing, artistic agencies, corporate, creative business
Sales: 5
Support: 4.3/5


A website is the most powerful platform for representing yourself or your business in the 21st century. It opens up dozens of opportunities that are essential conditions for success. Your information becomes available to everyone worldwide who has an Internet connection. You are no longer limited by social media or offline promotion and can receive many unique visitors every day. This becomes possible with SEO and pay-per-click advertising, which are much more effective and cheaper than other promotion methods. In addition, the website is your virtual office that can work at any time, not limited to the daylight hours of your region and physical location. This means that by creating your web page, you are entering the international arena.

你还觉得这太贵了吗? Anyone can create a website with our amazing Joomla crypto templates! Forget about large investments — a ready-made template costs up to $100 and brings you all the benefits of a custom project for an unreasonable price.

ICO, NFT,区块链的主要特征 & Crypto Joomla模板

Joomla is one of the most popular content management systems that has earned users' trust. It is convenient and easy to use for both professionals and inexperienced people. The extreme popularity of this platform means there are thousands of available extensions for different purposes and, of course, numerous guides and tutorials that will help facilitate your interaction with Joomla.

The developers guarantee you 24/7 support from top specialists ready to help with any difficulties. 不像免费产品的服务, you won't be left with your problem and will receive assistance at all stages of the purchase and months after.

An extended set of functions for customization and setting and a variety of ready-made layouts allow you to change your resource to be 100% satisfied with the final result. 不像从零开始发展, you are fully involved in the creation process and are guaranteed to get what you've expected. Special skills and qualifications are not required to create a cool project that is not inferior to studio developments.


If you have clients engaging in the cryptocurrency business, 我们有很棒的专业主题可以提供. With our products, you'll easily build a full-fledged resource for crypto traders, 加密货币市场, advisors, 投资咨询顾问, 以及其他与加密市场相关的专家.

与ICO, NFT,区块链网站创建提示 & Crypto Joomla模板

World's glorified brands use Joomla for building and managing their websites. You can control the appearance, content, functionality of the website. The CMS is very powerful, so such famous websites have been using this ready-made solution.

You can find this leader useful if you are interested in creating a trademark and company blog platform. Firstly, 你需要设置Joomla, but you should choose the host and registered domain before making a resource. Every second business needs a website, but finding the right web hosting service isn't easy today. Web hosting can include the appliances you need for building attractive and functional websites, 许多有用的功能, 包括出色的正常运行时间, customer service, 不同的服务器选项, 而且很容易安装基于云的虚拟主机. 域名是站点的名称. It plays an important role because the domain helps you make your first impression. 用一个完全符合你网站的域名脱颖而出. If you want your website to succeed, you need both hosting and domain.

Secondly, you get acquainted with Joomla basics and choose a database template.

The next steps will be to install your Joomla template and configure the design. 之后,您必须遵循以下步骤:

  • 使用组件设置满足感,
  • 任命成员担任职务;
  • 制作创新表;
  • 将工作表分配给导航菜单;
  • 附加站点部分,
  • put in extensions.


You can examine the realization of the theme by visiting your webpage. 这似乎包含了Joomla数据的例子.

You should do all of these steps on your laptop; then, you have to download your blog files to a standard web host for your site to be accessible on the Internet so that guests can approach your website easily.


How do I change the layout of the cryptocurrency Joomla templates?

We can move from one position to another by pressing f5 on your keyboard. 搜索功能现在在这里, 这就是你移动模型位置和禁用的方式.


Today there are two ways: the first -automatically and the second manually.

Who can practice cryptocurrency Joomla templates for making websites?

Joomla是最受欢迎的网站开发. If you are a freelancer, a blogger, or an entrepreneur, it can support your web development dreams.

Can I use my own hosting provider for cryptocurrency Joomla templates?

在大多数情况下,你可以. It just depends on what type of web hosting account you are currently using from a certain provider. 每个CMS项目都列出了托管要求, so you can just consult with and then orient due to the situation.

为什么要使用Joomla ICO、NFT、区块链 & Crypto Themes? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

Watch a helpful video about the outstanding Joomla Cryptocurrency themes features. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, 和更多有价值的机会来做你的ICO, NFT, Blockchain & 加密网站项目独特而成功!