SimpleX -多功能Joomla模板 SALE
SimpleX与它的现代设计和用户友好的界面, it's the ideal solution for anyone who wants to create a professional-looking website without spending a lot of time or money.
Sales: 103
Support: 5/5
汽车修理Joomla模板 is a modern looking ready-made solution that will make your maintenance services or transportation website shine on the web. 布局足够宽敞,可以展示...
Sales: 223
Support: 4.1/5

酒店套房模板 by RockThemes

This hotel Joomla theme features a rather capacious layout accommodating multiple elements in a compact manner. Visitors can easily look through your vacant rooms in a full-width slider at the top...
Sales: 167
Support: 4.1/5
对老年人来说,自己做饭是个挑战, 这就是为什么他们中的许多人求助于一种被称为“送餐上门”的服务. 在它的帮助下,他们可以每天获得营养丰富的食物...
Sales: 10
Support: 4.1/5
.OKOO是一个很棒的Joomla模板,用于创建摄影师作品集网站. This photographer portfolio template will help you to create a noticeable website for any kind of personal creative...
Sales: 54
Support: 4.1/5
Effective responsive theme powered by WordPress is perfectly tailored for radio, entertainment, photography, design studio and other websites that need contemporary look and rich functionalities....
Sales: 133
Support: 4.1/5
这个蓝色的模板是为沙滩排球俱乐部开发的. 它有一个非常不寻常的元素定位. The full-screen slider of the Sports Joomla Template shows young happy boys and girls...
Sales: 14
Support: 4.1/5
This Hindu monastery Joomla website design is packed with a variety of custom features that allow website owners to customize the theme quickly and easily. 借助这张引人注目的网...
Sales: 11
Support: 4.1/5
你想创建一个新闻网站来发布本地新闻吗? 也许你想创建一个国际新闻门户网站,并把它推向顶峰?Joomla新闻门户主题将是不错的选择...
Sales: 205
Support: 4.1/5
如何让教育进入大众? 一个正确的解决方案是建立一个网站. 如果是推广一些课程, schools, 大学是你感兴趣的事, 考虑一下这个主题...
Sales: 119
Support: 4.1/5

学区Joomla模板 by RockThemes

School District is a vibrant school Joomla template that can be used for primary school website. Colorful design attracts the attention of users and catches the eyes of potential customers. It...
Sales: 264
Support: 4.1/5


如今,在网站上嵌入地图正在成为一种趋势. It would be a mistake not to include it because it keeps your online presence more modern, attractive, and convenient, 让客户很容易地识别出你的公司在城市中的位置.

添加这个小部件有一些特殊的代码, 但是没有专业的编程知识, it will not work. But the developers have produced excellent solutions with a built-in map system, 这立即简化了使用.

毫无疑问,当今最流行的地图服务是谷歌地图. 这项服务覆盖全球. 它包括世界各地的地点和地址. 模块安装完成后, 你必须指定地点, 设置地图尺寸—您的小部件准备好了. 无需注册或输入任何代码.


Many improvements help in developing a portal, not getting lost in network expansion. 看看主要的好处:

  1. Admin Panel. 这是用于门户设置的管理工具, 包括信息风格, text editing, custom interface, 数据显示, 公共导航, design, law. 管理程序 & 设置不需要不同的编程语言,数据库知识. 整个工作通过这个方便的界面完成.
  2. Dropdown Menu. It organizes displaying related information in granular detail without cluttering up multiple buttons, text, options. 最常见的标题区域,网站导航. 最优的层数是一个或两个. The fewer attachment levels, the easier it is for clients to discover necessary material. 用户发现页面方向更容易,而不想离开它.
  3. 高级主题选项. 它允许控制项目设置, 添加新页面和删除旧页面, 改变资源外观, 编辑信息.
  4. Google Maps. This function spares your precious time because no time is wasted explaining routes to guests, clients. 交互式地图比地址栏看起来更专业. With widget access, customers don't need to leave your profile, which helps retain your audience.
  5. Retina ready. 这种高像素密度显示器正在积极进入市场. 更大的像素质量意味着比虚拟碎片更多的物理碎片. Therefore, ordinary multimedia files, exclusive designs on such screens seem blurred, indistinct. Such functionality adjusts this clarity so that the appearance is pleased everywhere.
  6. HTML 5. 用于标记Internet内容的现代语言版本. Advantages are that it offers a standardized description of audio-visual material embedded in portals, 因为媒体内容是代码的一个组成部分.
  7. Parallax. 任何运动看起来都比简单的静止图像更美观. 访问者本能地将注意力停留在你的产品位置上. 任何移动的东西都不会被忽视. Sliders, banners, any concepts — everything can be transferred from conventional images to parallax.
  8. Bootstrap. 这是一个CSS框架加上几个常用的JS解决方案. Some methods, processes contain repetition, are self-sufficient, utilizing internal resources. The main application area is portals, administrator interfaces, fronted component development. 有一个现成的常用方法、空白等的集合. 其目的是减少开发时间. 这个框架已经实现了最常用的东西.
  9. Gallery. 每个人都喜欢看赏心悦目的作品, colorful, intriguing, 有趣的表情,唤起积极的情绪. Selling numeric, 按字母顺序命名是无趣的, 立即疏远了普通游客, 所以画廊是个不错的选择, 多样化的外观.

That's not all the practical benefits, so imagine how many positive reviews your profile will have.



  1. Shared. This simple, cheap, 快速选项通常提供给每个人, 当人们刚刚开始开发平台时使用.
  2. VPS. 这就像拥有一栋大楼的一部分,通往你公寓的通道是封闭的. 没有人可以在未经授权的情况下访问您的信息.
  3. Dedicated. 这个项目意味着你拥有, 控制生活区, set the rules, 自己管理整个过程, 所以它比以前的贵.
  4. Dedicated server. This is your machine, installed, set up for you anywhere in the world; only you have access to it.

这是最受欢迎的 主机服务 list:

  1. BlueHost. 它是世界上最大的公司之一. In addition, one of the easiest providers to manage, meaning that even beginners manage it. 最重要的是- 24小时技术支持, 最便宜的计划提供50gb的SSD存储空间, improved, 用户友好的cPanel.
  2. SiteGround. This company offers everything from simple shared hosting (with website builder included) to the scalable cloud, 专用的服务器, 以及企业解决方案. 共享包并不是最便宜的, 但它们包含许多有利可图的业务, 比如每日免费备份, Cloudflare的CDN, 网站建设者, 以及账户保护.



If you desire to change such widgets' location on the Home page in Joomla templates, 本教程将向您展示如何管理它.



此解决方案适用于任何具有在线和离线办公室的组织, such as stores, agencies, bureaus, firms — anything. 这些决定有助于显示您的公司位置. Tourism companies utilize maps to show the destinations they provide for travel.


oomla — a content management system (CMS) with open source code, which is sufficiently documented. 因此,主题的安全性是有保证的-没有技术问题.


No, 因为最重要的优势是成品, 未经培训人员操作的安装. 只有在个别项目中,专业开发人员才是必不可少的, 这无疑是要花钱的, time, and effort. Therefore, 安装很简单-当购买或下载, 描述了所有操作, 即使有问题, 您可以随时联系24小时技术支持. 不过,这种选择只适用于优质商品.


Making a quality, 具有有趣材料的可识别网站将导致高出勤率, popularity, great outcome, 积极的评价, 因此购买了它, 你会对惊人的结果感到满意.